Tuesday, October 6

There is always a magical quadrant...

Just did the Myers-Briggs test and found it quite amusing. In a way it polls your "average feeling/acting/thinking" abilities... but then again, I wonder, aren't it the exceptions to the rule that they are after?

I mean, You can be sociable and talkative but at other times prefer to be lonesome and just by yourself. There are times when you like to get things done in an orderly way and times when we just want to go with the flow. There are moments when you want to invent and situations where you want to build. Everybody will recognize these "dual" feelings when dealing with people, situations and moments.

In the test, you have to slalom around ninety personality questions and at the end of the parcours, there is one more question before you hit the finishing line:

Would you have liked to argue the meaning of
A. a lot of these questions, or
B. Only a few

Bloody yes that I want to to argue the meaning of A. a lot of these questions.... It's all about context and that's what I don't find in the MBTI - the survey centers on how you perceive yourself vis à vis others, the world etc.
Now, On the brainoids site, I found a "magical" quadrant, mapping out the different MBTI types into four colors read segments.
The upper right blue quadrant appeals most to me.. guess because these are more right-brain thinking types although can't seem to place the Field Marshall in here.
But types like inventor, architect or mastermind do appeal. So curious to hear whether it is going to be a blue day tomorrow... will keep you posted.

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