In today's business climate of rapid change, technology can make or break deals. (IT) Technology as a business driver is on the MBA agenda - but scheduled for winter 2011. Does this mean that you have to wait to get into technology? Nope, as some may know, I'm part time working/part time studying boy and technology is one of my key domains of expertise. In this light, I am invited to run a workshop on aligning business and IT strategies Fall of
this year.

For those who are not in the matter, business/IT alignment has been consistently topping the charts of CIOs reunited. Aligning business and IT strategies means that you understand how to create value with IT, enable business initiatives, reduce costs and improve operational excellence. Effectively managing IT means that you can improve corporate performance by leveraging your IT investments. But we don't stop there, we'll look at leadership, building collaborative teams, revamping corporate processes and introducing a new kind of corporate culture. A wholatta of stuff but then again we have two days to understand how to tailor technology strategies and make them fit like a glove.
Curious to find out more about the program? Just click
here or follow the next curve on
Twitter - Otherwise, let's catch up in London, I know some good tailors around.