What is - that is statistically speaking - the chance that a right-brainer gets a good grade on a typical left-brain discipline like statistics? Well depends on the perspective you want to take. If you see statistics as a science...then, the odds that us - RB - get a good grade is quite low. It requires analytical, sequential and other left-brain neuron connections to work out the equations. On the other hand - if you look at it as an art and take the more creative approach to it... somewhere along the dotted line some funky magic happens. It took me a while to grasp that statistics is all about the way you "define" your statements and hypotheses - and then use the numbers and graphs to illustrate your point. Having a background in linguistics and communications of course does help to beef up my case. It is about interpretation pur sang and that's my playground. Never thought that I would be so into the matter - I now see a wonder wheel of outcomes and interpretations, associations and translations, hypothesis and proof...samples and self fulfilling prophecies. And black swans do exist: they are called google, amazon.com as well as Lehman Brothers, AIG, Ford and GM... what were the odds that these companies - please fill out your anwser on the dotted line.
Statistics is about connecting the dots but in today's world, the dots lead everywhere. Who gives a banana about statements such as "the likelihood of ocurring... the probability that or we have 95% confidence that". You only need one exception to the rule to make the bubble explode. That's why change is the new normal... and why statistics all of sudden makes sense. Numbers are great when you are living in an ideal world - but then again, there are no black swans in an ideal world.