Tomorrow, I take up a new assignment at a Dutch multi-utility in Middelburg (Zeeland). My responsibilities center on rolling out an Enterprise Social Software platform, creating awareness on "het nieuwe werken" and engaging my co-workers in a conversation. Het nieuwe werken is the Dutch cover term for Enterprise 2.0. It is a three-pillar program that focuses on 1. New facilities, 2. Human Resources and 3. Technology.
Fortunately they only asked me for the latter two as building new offices is not my strongest asset. I'm very curious to see how I can fit the program into the job. Well, I guess that macro-economics is not the first to spring to mind but certainly, other program modules will help me to deliver a better job. Looking at the agenda, I look forward to the 2 modules on managing people and organizations, market and customer understanding and the April course on market strategy. Although this a seen it, been there, done it thing - I am convinced that I will learn new insights and practices that are off-the-shelf implementable. Talking about insights, we have to do a 360° assessment - again a seen it, been there done thing. But this was 3 years ago so I can benchmark myself now. On the brink of turning 35 - I wonder how some of my old friends see me. Because there is no role for boss, direct reports and colleagues in my particular situation I asked Captain Starbucks, DC Comics, Boy Wonder and Zappos to evaluate me. Together with some close friends they will evaluate me on a variety of personality-related topics.
Curious to see how my personal profiling and self-assessment is put in a perspective of them assessing (and perceiving) me. In the light of 2009 coming to an end, it might be useful to use that input and add some extra bullet points to my new year resolutions list. And just FYI, even in 2010 the internet will still be hot - it's going to be an exciting year!